Our training refugees Restaurant

Welcome to our laboratory and Cuisine Lab’s flagship restaurant. Here our team of chefs from across the globe are sharing the savoir faire of their home country cuisine, while experimenting with local and seasonal Geneva products and learning Swiss culinary techniques.

Social, economic and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of our operations. While refugees currently make up 50 per cent of Cuisine Lab team, we aim to reach 80 per cent.

Come and discover us in the beautiful interior designed by award winning Geneva – Lisbon architecture firm BUREAU. You will be able to observe our team in action through the open kitchen and enjoy the exceptional taste of our food and our generous hospitality.

Notre Restaurant de formation pour


Bienvenue dans notre laboratoire et dans le restaurant phare de Cuisine Lab. Ici, notre équipe de chefs du monde entier partage le savoir-faire de la cuisine de leur pays d’origine, tout en expérimentant des produits genevois locaux et de saison et en apprenant les techniques culinaires suisses.

La durabilité sociale, économique et environnementale est au premier plan de nos activités. Alors que les réfugiés représentent actuellement 50 % de l’équipe de Cuisine Lab, notre objectif est d’atteindre 80 %.

Venez nous découvrir dans le magnifique intérieur conçu par le cabinet d’architecture BUREAU, primé à Genève et à Lisbonne. Vous pourrez observer notre équipe en action à travers la cuisine ouverte et apprécier le goût exceptionnel de notre nourriture et notre généreuse hospitalité.





We are a diverse and inclusive community comprised of refugees, former refugees, immigrants and locals from Geneva and Switzerland at large.

We take pride in saying that we help refugees and asylum seekers integrate into the fabric of Geneva’s society, reach economic independence, contribute to the local economic growth and create a new home.

Through our delicious and diverse food, guests can discover and appreciate other cultures and be part of a movement that value and promote cultural diversity.



Both a training restaurant and a social enterprise, Cuisine Lab offers not only services that are traditional of the restaurant industry but also a program designed to help under-employed refugees achieve economic independence.


Tell us the venue and your choice of menu and we will bring our most delicious food straight onto your table.



For a few hours or an entire day, you can book our restaurant to host your own event.


Our social program

A package of professional training, French classes, career counselling and placement to support refugees  into meaningful employment.


We Can’t Wait to See You!


08.00 to 16.00

Tuesday to Friday

08.00 to 22.00

Saturday and Sunday


Call Us

+ 41 22 314 56 68

Visit Us

Rue Michelle Nicod 2, 1202 Genève

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